
Bimetallic layer

  • Category:Packing & Compress Machine
  • Model:
  • Brand name:East elephant
  • Product origin:Zhoushan Zhejiang
  • Manufacturer:Ningbo hozest Internet Technology Co., Ltd.
Pproduct details

The bimetallic barrel is produced by casting a 2-3 mm-thick alloy coat which is anti-corrosive abrasion resistant and thema stable on the barrel inner wall Its effectice service life is greatly enhanced compared to the ordinary nitridinged barrel Bimetal has an extraordinary obvious superionrity to processing engineering plastice fluorine plastics PPO and etc.

Our company producess the single-and bimetal screw using special alloy powders sprayed and welded on the screw's ridge We can also ues different alloys and welding methods for different functions

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