

Spare parts of Screw and Barrel of an injection ma

  • Category:Mattress Sewing Machine
  • Model:
  • Brand name:East elephant
  • Product origin:Zhoushan Zhejiang
  • Manufacturer:Ningbo hozest Internet Technology Co., Ltd.
Pproduct details

Specification of screw and barrel for injection machine

Power of locknut:100KN -35000KN

capacity of injection:30g-30000g

diameter of screw:Φ 20-Φ 220

Screw can be mated with differentheads of screw

Cylinders can be mated with different sprinkler heads

富裕县| 广饶县| 宜兰县| 桦甸市| 玛纳斯县| 延安市| 余庆县| 安徽省| 临沭县| 镇坪县| 梓潼县| 名山县| 桐乡市| 区。| 巴南区| 铜山县| 新干县| 甘德县| 浦北县| 常山县| 元氏县| 含山县| 深泽县| 城固县| 靖西县| 七台河市| 上杭县| 长治县| 宁明县| 唐河县| 车致| 正阳县| 根河市| 固原市| 丽水市| 临西县| 喀喇| 芦山县| 馆陶县| 江永县| 德保县|